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training app

for perfectly trained employees

Optimize onboarding, training and audits - simple and effective.



Einarbeitung, Schulung und Audit optimieren.

Einfach und wirkungsvoll.

Mit unserem KI-Assistenten erstellst du mit wenigen Klicks Videoschulungen in 30 Sprachen.
Ob Mitarbeiterschulung, rechtssichere Unterweisungen oder Maschinenbediener-Training – effizient, einfach und vielseitig einsetzbar!

Reach every employee with one click

Es soll einfach sein und Entlastung bringen.

Mache den Start für neue Mitarbeitende, Besucher oder Leiharbeiter so einfach wie nie. Stelle wichtige Informationen, Unterweisungen und Schulungen bereits vor Arbeitsbeginn bereit.

With integeri you can reach every employee

Don’t forget anyone – even if you’re on vacation or sick

With integeri you can reach every employee

Don’t forget anyone – even if you’re on vacation or sick

With integeri you can reach every employee

Don’t forget anyone – even if you’re on vacation or sick

With integeri you can reach every employee

Don’t forget anyone – even if you’re on vacation or sick

With integeri you can reach every employee

Don’t forget anyone – even if you’re on vacation or sick

On-demand and AI-based training

as if by magic, add your own content

What our customers say

It's a great help to work with integeri. All the organization is taken care of for me. And it's safe because the content has been checked. No more messing around, no more struggling!

Andreas Obst

Department of Safety and Health Protection

Great job, every company needs this solution and it's ideal for medium-sized businesses, from tax offices to production companies.

Christian Helm


With your commercial hybrid courses, you help us immensely to qualify and train our employees. Likewise, the “integeri” platform, which bundles the processes relating to occupational safety, is perfect for our commercial use.

Stefan Haschke

branch manager

I was skeptical and didn't think it would be so straightforward! Today, our preparations for the audit are going very smoothly.

Mirko Sommerthal

Specialist for occupational safety and

quality management representative

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