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How it works - 4

Perfect training – even before the first day

Make the start easier than ever for new employees, visitors, temporary workers or existing team members. Provide important information, instructions and training before the first day of work and ensure a smooth and motivating start.

Einarbeitungen laufen strukturiert und schaffen einen positiven Einstieg.

100% knowledge transfer with significantly less workload.

Reach every employee with one click

leave this?

It shows how easy it is to reach many employees.

Mit integeri erreichst du jeden Mitarbeiter

directly and in their native language. Offer your team the same high-quality training experience, no matter what language they speak.

Support them exactly where they learn best - online at home, at work or in a group training session.

Notify and remind by email or SMS

Reach one or many employees at the same time

Don’t forget anyone – even if you’re on vacation or sick

Always keep an overview

It shows how easy it is to organize employees and training.
It shows an example of a training

Always one step ahead.

With integeri you get flexible evaluations, automatic reminders and quick access to all important data and training status. This way you retain maximum control with minimal effort.

And thanks to the user role concept, each manager fulfills his or her own responsibilities.

Dashboard for an instant overview

escalation automation to managers

Be reminded of the expiration of qualifications

leave this?

remains - is finished

Schulungen auf Abruf und mit KI

as if by magic, add your own content

Creating training courses with AI like child's play

30+ languages

AI video training

in 30+ languages

AI Avatar training

from presentations, SCORM, PDF to video

with their own

Videos (Reels)

Legally compliant training courses

 Jederzeit und überall

Train your employees legally and flexibly with our learning clips. Choose from our library of training courses, which are available in over 30 languages and have been developed together with experienced trainers and experts. Thanks to permanent updates, you always stay up to date - simple, effective and legally compliant.

All the training you need

remove ?!

crisp, appealing and always up-to-date

Instruction that strengthens every industry

Ein sicherer Arbeitsplatz ist die Grundlage für produktive Teams und zufriedene Mitarbeiter. 


Mit kurzweiligen Schulungen, einfachen und praxisnahen Inhalten sowie rechtssicherer Dokumentation schaffen wir Sicherheit, die in jeder Branche Wirkung zeigt – und das, ohne den Arbeitsalltag zu belasten.


Diese Branchen vertrauen auf uns:

  • Baugewerbe 

  • Handwerksbetriebe

  • Logistik- und Transportunternehmen

  • Industrie und Produktionsgewerbe

  • Dienstleistungsunternehmen

  • Land- und Forstwirtschaft

  • Gastronomie und Hotellerie

  • Öffentliche Verwaltung

Legally compliant in all areas

let the audit at the touch of a button?

content on manager coins

No more boring lectures

Take your training to a new level!

Motivation instead of frustration and fluctuation

Unclear training leads to errors and dissatisfaction.

Investing time and money wisely

Long, complicated training courses cost more than they bring.

Focus instead of overload

Specialists and managers should use their expertise - not be busy with spreadsheets, classroom training or troubleshooting.

Confusing current status and security
Have all employees really been trained in their work? What still needs to be done for the audit? Is the documentation clear and complete across all managers?

Strong Culture for Knowledge and Security

Employees start their tasks well informed, stay up to date with automatic updates and develop their full potential.

Increase efficiency, unleash productivity

Automated training processes and compact, effective training create space for maximum production performance.

More focus on the essentials

Specialists keep an overview of all relevant data and make well-founded decisions in the shortest possible time.

clarity and transparency
Through automatic reporting and reminders for managers and employees, the actual status is clearly visible at all times. This makes it easy to fulfill your responsibilities.

Why integeri?

Sofort einsatzbereite Mitarbeiter
Neue Bediener schwerer Maschinen können direkt eingesetzt werden.

Motivierte Teams

Praxisnah, einfach, mehrsprachig, teamgerecht.

Completely legal
All training courses are immediately available and always up to date.

Relaxed for the audit

Complete automated documentation - available at the click of a button.

> 40% cost reduction
Increase productivity immensely through smart automation and have new employees ready for immediate use.

Beitrag leisten

Führungskräfte spürbar entlasten. 

What our customers say

It's a great help to work with integeri. All the organization is taken care of for me. And it's safe because the content has been checked. No more messing around